Modern Times

Modern Times

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Modern Times
                 -by Charlie Chaplin

In the very beginning of movie we find some lines and by them we can got an idea that what is shown in the movie or movie is about what. And that lines are, "Story of Industry of individual enterprise, Humanity cruciding in the pursuit of happiness."

In starting of movie we find first frame about clock. He very symbolically gave an idea of that time. Clock represent that how that time of people bound in time or how time rules over the men. After that we find frame of sheep and for them the idea was famous that they are not think if one doing anything then other one is follow that thing even if that is not good or anything and then frame of people who exactly do the same thing. And for that idea of sheepple came means "sheep+people=sheepple”.

This is basically fictional story. He make use of technology and machines are fiction but in today time it's reality. In that movie we find that old idea of industry and workers are work there and who have in power they exploit them. Here he make satire on industrial idea.  He show that how people’s life became unreal and they dnt even enjoy natural things not even can do basic things all things control by them and run in particular pattern. And as a result they have no sincerity for their work. They found newness in recorded message which is now very common. He mainly focuse on poverty and joblessness. American is super power nation but on the other hand they have big issue of these on that time and Charlie try to highlight that.

Story is directed in such a different manner.  It is based on bunches of accidents. And many many more things to say worth watching movie.

In the end we find frame of road and it's represent begging or something which is going and going symbol of never ending journey like we find in movies of Imtiaj Ali like Highway, Jab We Met, Tamasha in all that we find journey. Here also we find characteristics of modern literature like nothingness meaninglessness absurdity etc. In short this is movie which say many more things in doing nothing or say more in less words.

Great Dictator

               By Charlie Chaplin

This movie is basically political satire. This movie is proven good for Charlie and he earn the most by this also. And one poem also written upon this movie by Audun.

In this movie we find satire on that time’s dictator or ruler Hitler. He uses name hynkle instead of Hitler.  All costume and makeover all the same like Hitler did.  He uses Gibberish language here which is satire on political speeches.

And also shows how Hitler did the wrong things with people and how jews suffers a lot coz of that. With funny things he said much more valuable things. And in last he gave one speech also which says a lot about peace and said that war only bring Distruction. By this movie he shows heavy things in much easier way in which people can understand. We can also connect this things in present time it is so much relevant with that also.

Thank you for reading.


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