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It is perfectly right that youngsters are future of any nation and they have to ask questions and that would be beneficial for nation as well. it is deep rooted in our mind from childhood that you have to keep faith in authority irrespective of who they are whether they are our parents our teachers any religious saints or the dignitaries who sits on throne. We raise in such ways that if we raise questions then that can be disrespect for them but with this book Rowling give us new idea that it is not bad but it is necessary to raise question for better nation or better society.

In this book we can find that Harry himself is asking so many questions to authorities and his this quality makes him different. He is not easily believed on the things which told to him but he himself crosschecks all the things. He is the one who break every rule still rewarded so asking question is not bad thing.

Another thing here is whatever shown in media or press is also not true things. that can be shown under the impression of ruling party, as here we found that media only print the things which told by ministry of magic but harry is constantly asking question against that also. we can connect this with present time also that during any time who have power they try to manipulate media so if we are not asking question then it is good practice for nation as young generation this message here given through this image.


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